Thursday, October 30, 2008

Congrats to Jamie Moyer!

Congratulations to Jamie Moyer and the World Series champion Philadelphia Phillies! Jamie was my favorite Mariner while he was with the team and still remains the definition of "class act" in baseball.

In writing about the wild, late-into-the-night third game of the World Series, the Wall Street Journal states, "For all this, the hero of the game may have been Mr. Moyer, the 45-year old pitcher who this year had the best campaign ever by a starter so old. Tampa Bay's young hitters, having been provided with sternly worded scouting reports instructing them not to let the old man expand the strike zone, simply could not resist the temptation to swing at an endless array of puff balls, benders and lobs. The fastest arrived much slower than most pitchers' change-ups. Mr. Moyer allowed three runs in 6 1/3 innings and left with a lead that would have, had it held, made him the oldest man to ever win a World Series game."
Don't you just love how they call him "Mr. Moyer"!! Congratulations, Jamie.... and you're not really THAT old....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Erik!

Okay, so I'm a few days late in posting birthday wishes to our son, Erik.
Nonetheless, we had a wonderful time celebrating with Erik & Krista on Sunday evening.
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Weekend at Kara & Dusty's

Boise was gorgeous this past weekend! As I flew into town, I could see the the landscape dotted with the most beautiful red, gold and yellow-leafed trees.... And the view from the ground was even better. The weather was perfect--sunny and 70+ degrees all weekend.

This was my first visit to Dusty and Kara's place since they moved. I can't believe all of the work they have done on the house. And when I say "they," I mean Dusty, Kara, Dusty's parents, Chris C. and more. Truly a team effort! You can see Before and After pictures on Kara's blog. I would have posted my own photos at this point, but forgot to bring my camera. :(

Dusty and Kara made sure that I had a great time in Boise. (Although I've driven through Boise a number of times, this was my first real visit.) We attended the Boise State University football game, visited the Eagle Saturday market, walked through several local parks (including a walk with Gunner, my granddog), visited a church having their "grand opening" service, and satisfied appetites at several local restaurants.

But the best part of the weekend? Helping Kara clean the gutters! Being entertained is one thing... helping out is another. Hope they'll really put me to work on my next visit!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Life Chain 2008... and Election 2008

Last Sunday afternoon, my family and I had the privilege of standing on a busy street corner in the rain with about 25 other people for a little over an hour... probably the most important hour of this past week. We quietly, prayerfully held signs asking people driving by to consider an unborn baby's right to life. People all over the United States joined us on similar street corners as we participated in Life Chain 2008.

Unborn babies were created, given life, by God.
Roe v. Wade made it legal across our country for that life to be taken away.

There are many issues facing Americans as we vote for a new President this year... Iraq, the economy, healthcare, leadership, experience and vision. I am excited by Barack Obama's candidacy as it deals with many of those issues. HOWEVER, in my opinion, the one issue that trumps them all is abortion. When my son and I were discussing the presidential candidates and I expressed a leaning toward voting for Obama, he indicated that he too thought Obama would make a good President and would want to support him EXCEPT for the fact that the President appoints Supreme Court Justices. With those words, I knew that I would have no other choice than to vote for the presidential candidate who would seek to protect the life of all unborn children.

My son-in-law's cousin wrote a moving letter that I would like you to read:

Dear family and friends,
I woke up the other morning with this on my mind, so Rusty watched the girls and I went to the library for an hour to get it out of my head and onto paper. I'm passing on my thoughts to you.
I have been doing a study on the life of Moses and am struck by how God had a plan for him from birth. When the ruler of the land commanded all baby boys to be cast into the Nile , the midwives and Moses’ parents feared God, saw that he was an exceptional child, and spared his life. Years later he would go on to deliver a nation.
We have before us a most important election. One in which there are many issues and causes that push people onto one side or the other. Emotions run high. Many “firsts” are at stake. Yet, on the other hand, to hear them talk, it is at times hard to distinguish where they differ—both wanting to appeal to the other side.
There is one issue in my mind that rises above all others. And that is the issue of the sanctity of life. The two tickets could not be further apart on this particular issue. Senator Obama, while a state senator here in Illinois, was an outspoken opponent to legislation that would protect newborn babies from being killed or left to die if they were born after a failed abortion. NARAL even opposed such legislation as infanticide. He has voted against the ban on partial birth abortions in the US Senate as recently as Oct. 2007. To hear his campaign speak to this issue today they will skirt, hem and haw. But his record is clear.
So what? you may ask. Abortion and pro-life issues may not be your “cause”. Perhaps you are excited to be able to cast your vote to put the first African-American in the White House. I agree it would be very cool and a huge step to further racial reconciliation. Or perhaps you are most concerned about the stewardship of the earth. Or maybe it’s the violence and bloodshed involved in the War on Terror. Or maybe the economy makes you nervous (believe me, I’m nervous—my husband works for himself in the real-estate market). These are issues near and dear to my heart as well. But I can’t help but put them behind the cry of nearly 4000 (say that out loud) babies being killed in our country every day. 4000! That is nearly the same number of American deaths in the war since we began in March of 2003.* The total number of Iraqi civilian deaths since March 2003 is estimated to be between 89,000-96,000—that’s the number of babies killed in less than a month here, year after year.** We have allowed more than 40,000,000 babies to be killed by abortion. Today’s hot issues pale in comparison to the thought of the damage that will be done by putting activist justices on the Supreme Court (as Biden made it quite clear his ticket will do). It will be decades before there is another opportunity to get a fair hearing with the Supreme Court.
With McCain, there are no guarantees, but there is a chance he could appoint one or two new justices that would re-visit the poor conclusion of Roe v. Wade. It would not immediately stop abortion in America as the far left would have us think. Rather it would send the decisions back to the states. More importantly, it would raise the question in the minds of Americans, “Is it right or wrong to end the life of a baby in the womb?” When our law says it is ok, people stop questioning it for themselves, because, yes, all laws legislate morality, by definition, good or bad.
So what is at stake in this election? If your issue is racial reconciliation—what about the thousands of minority babies killed daily who will never vote, much less be fine presidents? If it is non-violence—what about the horrid bloody violence done to the most innocent and defenseless? If it is the economy—think of all the contributions all of those who have been aborted or will be aborted would bring to this nation: industry, jobs, new services needed, housing, etc.? What ever your issue is this election, does it compare to the atrocity of the massive number of killing happening under our noses?
Well, back to Moses. There is a common thought in our land that some lives would be better off unlived. I’ve had two babies in recent years, and thankfully, they are healthy. But I know what they test for, the questions they ask, and I know their recommendations should tests come back abnormal. Trig Palin, by our country’s set of morals, should not be here. Yet his parents feared God and welcomed him. Could it be that he was born “for such a time as this”? That he might grow up in the spotlight of our country, and therefore the world, to deliver us from such selfish and wrong thinking. Might we see, the once unthinkable, overturning of Roe v. Wade in our lifetime? Oh, for the day, that the womb would no longer be the most dangerous place in America .
*The statistics I am drawing from were found on stating there have been 4177 American deaths since March 2003-October 3, 2008.
**On I found that they estimate between 89,000-96,000 Iraqi civilian deaths from Mar ’03-Oct’08. This is horrible, but again, the same number of babies die every 24 days here.