Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Colorful Perspective

Aren't you glad that God created the world in color? Even though Dave and I are basically boring people who see too many things in black and white, we can appreciate the color around us....
Autumn leaves...
Babies' pink cheeks...
Cool aqua streams...

Our new condo is just a few steps away from the Museum of Glass, a site that I know will become one of my new favorite places. Have you ever seen anything quite as colorful as these pieces of glass?

1 comment:

Erin said...

What a great picture Doreen! I love that museum - I especially love that Chihully made the glass accessible to every one on the walkway - he's a classy guy! I'll have to tell you a funny story about his "real" glass blowing studio sometime. :) BTW, Shayla keeps us guessing on the hands...Sean's a lefty, I'm a righty...who knows!